苏州电子压力机厂家 **适用范围: Scope of Application 适用于各种材料的冲孔、压印、整形、铆接、弯曲、剪切、拉伸和各种小型零部件的压装、装配 Embossing ,forming,shall draw,shaping and pressure assembling of metal or non-metal parts,press fitting of motor rotors and stators,electronic connectors and electric parts,pressing of glasses,locked modes and hardware prats,etc *二:电子压力机的优点如下 伺服压力机的优点: 一、精确控制设备的大压装出力,实时显示当前设备出力; 二、以0.01MM为单位实时显示当前压装位置; 三、实时描绘力与位移的压装曲线; 四、伺服压力机可对终压装位置进行对比,以检测是否压入到位; 五、可存储多套设备的压装参数,以方便下次使用调出; 六、可对压装到数据进行存储。 七.我们的设备是一款智能压机,位移传感器小显示单位为0.01MM,位移压装精度±0.01MM,设备压力控制精度为:总量程的1%,小显示单位为0.1kgf Main Advantages of NC Hydraulic Press: 1, Precise control of the pressure in the pressing, and the current pressure will show on the screen; 2, The current position of the press head will show on the screen by 0.01mm unit. 3, The function curve between pressure and position will display on the screen in real time. 4, Position checking can ensure the press head arrive at the right position. 5, Data memory function can store multiple sets of pressing data, which can be used when the next pressing job. 6.The press is intelligent equipment, its pressure control accuracy is 3% in the total process, the smallest display unit is 0.1kgf for pressure, and 0.01mm for position. Position accuracy is ±0.1mm in the pressing. 设备规格和技术参数 Machine Specification and Technical Parameter 项 目Project 伺服压力机技术参数series high presicion servo press machine 公称压力Nominal force Out put(T) 15 理论出力 Theory output(Ton) 0.3-15 行程 Stroke(mm) 400 快速下降速度 Cylinder rate of descent(mm/s) 0.1-100 加压速度Work of Down (mm/s) 0.1-30 上升速度 Cylinder ascending velocity(mm/s) 0.1-100 显 示 器:Display 10寸彩色显示器10 inches color I/O 接 口:I/O interface: USB2.0 I/O开关电源:I/O Switch Power: 提供内置DC24V电源(2.5A)Built-in DC24V power supply (2.5 A) 程 序:Procedure: 可存储100套应用程序 store 100 sets of production parameters 位移重复精度:Displacement of the repeat precision ±0.01mm 压力重复精度:Pressure repeated precision:±1% ±1% 环 境 温 度:Temperature of working environment 0—40OC